Imber, Samuel Jacob: 1889-1942

Born in Yezhernie, W. Galicia and studied philosophy in Lemberg University, Shmuel visited Israel (Palestine) in 1912, America in 1921. He received a Ph. D. in Cracow. He introduced Yiddish Poetry from Galicia into general modern Yiddish literature. There are two versions of his death: 1) killed by Ukrainians in his hometown of Yezhernie in 1942, 2) killed by Nazis in Zlotchev Galicia in 1942. Published poetry in Yiddish journals and many books: Vos Ikh Zing Un Vos Ikh Zog, (“What I Sing and What I Say”). Lemberg 1909. Esther 1911, In Yiddishn Land, (“In the Jewish Land”), 1912, Lider fun der Heym, (“Songs of Home”), 1918, Arayn un Aroys fun Vald, (“In and Out of the Forest”), 1920.