Ulinover, Miriam: 1890-1944

Ulinover was born in Lodz, educated traditionally and finished Folkshul. As she was orphaned young, she was raised by her beloved Grandmother. Ulinover was a very popular poet in Lodz, who wrote about everyday things. She was published in newspapers and produced one book of poetry called Mayn Bobes Oitzer, (“My Grandmother’s Treasure”), Warsaw, 1922. That book was a favorite among Lodz readers. Shayevitch mentions his love of it in his final poem. Ulinover remained productive in Lodz Ghetto and encouraged young writers in a salon at her home. She was taken from there and killed in Auschwitz along with her daughter and grandddaughter.

View the video “Dr Sarah Traister Moskovitz talks about Miriam Ulinover’s Warsaw Ghetto Poetry” on Vimeo.