Little Hands

( From the book “Dos Lid is Geblibn
by Binem Heller, p 112)

Little Hands
by Kalman Lis

Today my life came to an end,
Ekh! To hell with such a life as I am living!
I saw blue children, little hands outstretched
begging something to be given…

Little hands all swollen from the cold
bruised blue on every single finger,
I would give them my whole world,
would I could give them just the singing.

But little children ask only for bread,
what then can a poet give to children,
Only to be bound as one in hardship
’til the last drop of blood for a new life…

Today my life has come to an end, —
Ekh! To hell with such a life that I am living!
I saw blue children, little hands outstretched
begging something to be given…